Growing Market Share
5.7 MM
Unique people reached in 8 weeks
Increase in Sales
Engagement vs social media benchmark
Dole Adopts AI Marketing; Doubles Sales YOY and Significantly Improves Brand Engagement
“We set our awareness goals for the campaign based on prior benchmarks. Within the first week of the campaign everything was accelerating and within the first 5-6, we had reached our original goal. It’s clear that AI and Albert can help businesses, particularly challenger brands, accelerate growth at a pace and scale previously unattainable with other vendors, agencies and solutions.”
Efigenio De Castro II, Head of Marketing | Dole Phillipines
Founded in Hawaii in 1851, Dole Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd., headquartered in Singapore, is the global operating headquarters of the Dole Group of companies owned by ITOCHU Corporation. Dole is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh & packaged fruit, with revenues of approximately $2.5 billion. The Company does business in more than 70 countries and employs, on average, 20,000 full-time, regular employees and 7,000 full-time seasonal or temporary employees, worldwide.
Throughout the holiday season, fruit cocktail varieties are in high demand serving as a staple of every Filipino holiday celebration. Under the Seasons brand, Dole had two product lines within the fruit cocktail category – a larger can that serves between 5-6 persons, and a smaller one that serves between 2-3 persons. The Company had captured good market share with the larger can category, but were well under penetrated in the smaller can category. They felt there was an opportunity to grow market share for the Seasons brand via this smaller SKU by identifying all the small, yet frequent, celebratory moments that happen throughout the year through smaller gatherings.
Dole decided to leverage the capabilities of Albert and AI Marketing. The brand provided Albert with the messages, creative, the impression and engagement goals, and the geolocation and budget. Using previous customer data and incoming campaign data, Albert identified and executed based on user insights discovered along his journey including:
• Videos drive more engagement
• Mobile gets more views
• Hyper-local autonomous audience identification and targeting
Within the first two months of the campaign, Dole had received 60,000 new page likes, with a reach close to 6 million; outperforming social benchmarks from the local Dole Philippines Facebook page and surpassing all awareness expectations. By the end of the three month campaign, sales had increased by 87% at a core customer and the company believes this figure is a good reflection of the overall sales trend across all customers. With the success of this promotion Dole plans to continue using AI and Albert to help their brands gain awareness, and engagement, and ultimately steal market share away from the competition.